“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman
What are you looking for?
Those words, which Jesus uttered in this Sunday’s Gospel (1/15/12) really struck me. While thinking about that simple phrase many things come to mind, but mostly what popped into my mind was the question I was asked over break “well then, what’s next after this volunteer year?” And my honest answer is “I don’t know”. I am not 100% sure where I will end up come July, and I am OK with that, God has a plan for me. But the other answer I gave was “I’m still not sure what I want to do for the rest of my life, I can’t really define what it is I am passionate about”. So, I guess I don’t exactly know what I am looking for in terms of what I want to do come July. But one thing I do know is that while I don’t know what it is I am looking for, I feel like I will know what it is when I find it.
I know going into this year I didn’t have many expectations of “what I was looking for”. But I do know that one of the things I was looking for was to grow deeper in my faith, which I feel as this year progresses I am growing deeper in my faith. Another thing I was looking for in my year was to form relationships with those with whom I would be working and also with those whom I would be living in community with. I know I have been changed by all of those whom I work with, I just hope that come July I am not just “another AMA who passed through for the year” I hope that I am remembered for something I did or said.
But to answer what I am looking for, I am looking for another 6 months filled with many memories and wonderful moments. Moments that I know I don’t want to rush through, because those moments will be what I remember. So these moments are what I am looking for right now...